Everything You Need To Know About Vanishing Nutrients
Did you know… You would have to eat 8 oranges today in order to get the same amount of Vitamin A your grandparents would get from 1 orange 50 years ago?
a modern problem

Wait, Why Are Nutrients Vanishing?
Studies show that over the last 50 years, produce has lost up to 75% of its nutrients, creating a worldwide decline in the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. While there are many culprits contributing to nutrient loss, the top include:
- Factory farming: modern farming practices selectively breed fruits & vegetables in order to get the biggest yield instead of nutrient density
- Environmental damage: excess CO2 leads to more sugar production in plants and up to 30% fewer nutrients
- Modern storage techniques: today’s distribution networks mean produce is sitting in storage before eating, which can cause a loss of up to 77% of nutrients
This nutrient decline poses a serious threat to human health and nutrition. With significantly less nutrients in our diets, our bodies lack the essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health, growth, and development.

Is Vanishing Nutrients Affecting My Family?
Even if your family eats plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, they could still experience the catastrophic effect of vanishing nutrients. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), more than 50% of children globally suffer from a nutrient deficiency known as hidden hunger.[1] This form of hunger is caused not by a lack of food, but a lack of nutrients.
With fruits and vegetables decreasing in nutrition, our families are at risk of nutrient deficiencies that impact growth, development, immunity, and overall wellness.

How is First Day fighting Vanishing Nutrients?
We’re focused on fighting the vanishing nutrient crisis so you don’t have to! We actually look at what a kid, teen, or adult is getting in their average diet even with vanishing nutrients, and we build our formula around that to bridge the gap. Our supplements are backed by modern science, made with high-quality ingredients, and formulated in the perfect amounts. Each of our multivitamins contains the vitamins and minerals families often lack, helping fill nutrition gaps caused by vanishing nutrients. Plus, our 3-in-1 pre, post, and probiotics improves your gut’s ability to absorb nutrients - whether it’s from fresh food or our multivitamin!