how heavy metals & pesticides are impacting kids & families

Federal standards only cover the bare minimum. Families deserve better, and our products have earned the certifications to prove it.

a modern problem

Where are heavy metals coming from?

Heavy metals, like lead, arsenic, and mercury, are naturally found in the Earth. But due to human causes, these heavy metals are contaminating our water, food, and soil in dangerously high concentrations. Practices contributing to this contamination include modern farming, industrial pollution, toxic water pipes, and even packaging. And while there’s no way to avoid heavy metals entirely, reducing exposure is key to minimizing negative health effects of the heart, kidneys, liver, GI tract, and, for children especially, the brain.

The Government Is Regulating All This, Right?

Yes and no. While regulations do exist, the standards should be considered table stakes. The FDA monitors toxic elements through safety regulations and regular inspections, but there is actually no federal standard for heavy metals in dietary supplements, leaving the issue to the states. We believe that more needs to be done to protect families from heavy metal exposure.

We Hold Ourselves To A Higher Standard

Our mission has always been to provide Real Wholesome® nutrition, from the ingredients we source to the products we formulate. Which is why the industry standard has never been good enough for us. Instead, we sought to create products that passed the gold standard in heavy metal testing: Clean Label Project Certification. This rigorous certification tests for over 150 contaminants, including heavy metals, pesticides, plasticizers, and glyphosate. We’re proud to report that our Kids, Teens, Womens, and Mens Multivitamins and Tribiotics are all Clean Label Project Certified!

How Does The Clean Label Project Work?

Brands who pursue Clean Label Project Certification are taking the proactive step in ensuring the safety and quality of their products. Their rigorous certification process includes:

  • Finished Product Testing: unannounced purchases, reflecting what a regular customer would receive
  • Heavy Metal Testing: testing for heavy metals that have links to cancer (Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, & Mercury)
  • Pesticide Testing: testing of a broad pesticide panel
  • Glyphosate Testing: testing for the most commonly used pesticide in America (Ex: Round Up) with links to non-Hodgkins lymphoma
  • Plasticizer Testing: testing for plasticizers with links to endocrine disruption and infertility (BPA, BPS, & Phthalates)
  • Proof of Food Safety: required proof of GMP or GFSI benchmarked food safety standards

Clean Label Project raises the bar far above what regulations require, and First Day is proud to continue pursuing certification for our products with them.

Your family deserves better