how first day is fighting hidden hunger in kids & families
Is your kid experiencing constant outbursts, picky eating, or trouble sleeping? Then you may be surprised to learn that these issues could come from “Hidden Hunger.”

What Is Hidden Hunger?
Hidden hunger is a type of nutrient deficiency that, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), affects more than 50% of children globally.[1] And while fresh food may abound, hidden hunger can happen to anyone. That’s because hidden hunger is easy to miss! It happens when your body doesn’t get the essential vitamins and minerals it needs from food. Which means even if your tummy isn’t growling, you could still be missing crucial nutrients for optimal health.

Could Hidden Hunger Impact My Family?
Hidden hunger may be sneaky, but its effects are clear. When someone’s body (especially a kid’s!) doesn’t get the right nutrients, it could impact:
- Growth & behavioral development
- Overall wellness
- Eating habits & appetite
- Brain function & mood
- Sleep
Hidden Hunger, Revealed
But before we can tackle this hidden crisis, we need to understand where it comes from. And part of it is due to our modern diet. The unfortunate abundance of nutrient-poor foods, such as ultra-processed foods, combined with picky eating habits can lead to nutrient deficiencies. But these eating habits are only part of the problem.
Scientific studies have discovered an alarming nutrient decline, called Vanishing Nutrients, in modern fruits and veggies caused by factory farming, environmental damage, and modern food storage techniques. This combination of poor eating habits and low-nutrient produce has created the perfect storm of worldwide hidden hunger.

How Is First Day Fighting Hidden Hunger?
First Day is on a mission to fight hidden hunger with vitamins and minerals designed specifically to fill kids’, teens’, women’s, and men’s nutrition gaps. We care about research-backed ingredients, bioavailability, and Real Wholesome™ ingredients.
Just 2 gummies a day gives your child a blend of organic fruits and veggies and essential nutrients that kids often lack. With First Day’s Multivitamins, you can help fill your family’s nutrition gaps for a healthier today and tomorrow!